
Wood Floor Trends

How To Choose The Right Wood Floor For Your Gym

Rob Patwary

Rob Patwary

June 28, 2021

Whether you’re opening a gym for the public, or setting up a gym in your home, it’s essential that you make it look good without compromising on its functionality.

Although there are many features that you need to consider, one aspect of the interior design that you will need to pay close attention to is the flooring.
The floor of your gym needs to be durable, safe, easy to maintain, allow for optimal performance, and, ideally, it should look good too. This is why there are only a few materials that work well in this kind of space.
Most of us are aware of the four most commonly used types of flooring for gyms - rubber, foam, vinyl and wood - and these are all popular choices because they meet the aforementioned requirements for a good gym floor.

Being that we are wood flooring specialists, we’re going to focus on that type of flooring.


What makes a gym different from other commercial spaces or areas of the home is that it is a high-impact zone. This means that it not only has a lot of footfall but due to the intense workouts that could be taking place on it, the floor will be put under a lot of concentrated pressure. There will be people skipping, jumping and running in one spot which will require a wood floor that can withstand this type of constant and intense force otherwise you could end up having to replace your floors quite often.

The durability of a wood is based on its score on the Janka hardness test - the higher the score, the harder the wood. The woods with the highest rating and are, therefore, the most hard-wearing are oak, ash and bamboo - all of which are great options for gym floors.

Furthermore, the finish that you apply to your wood floors can also affect their durability so you’ll want to use something tough such as polyurethane lacquer.


The floor of your gym should not negatively affect the ability for users to get in a good workout. A gym that doesn’t allow for optimal performance because of an interior design flaw could deter clients from coming back or, in some cases, cause an injury.

One good example of this is shock absorption. A shock absorbing floor will absorb the kinetic energy that is released in an exercise movement, such as a jump, and release it as another form of energy which is then dissipated.
This will make it far more comfortable to workout on and it will minimise the risk of injuries because it lessens the impact when a person’s feet hit the ground.

Maple and cork wood rank very high when it comes to shock absorption which is why they make for great gym floor options.

Furthermore, the underlay that you choose plays a key role in helping or hindering the shock-absorbing qualities of the wood floor. A thick, foam underlay will always give the best results in this area.


Regardless of the type of floor that you install in your gym, it will require regular maintenance especially if it has high volumes of traffic.

Sweat and water spillages will need to be mopped up, scuffs and other marks will need to be cleaned and dents will be prevalent as a result of the heavy weights and fitness activities that will be taking place on the floor so refinishing will be necessary.

Wood is generally quite an easy material to care for which is why it’s so popular for flooring but there are certain species of wood floor that are easier to maintain than others.
For example, a more durable wood like oak or bamboo won’t be as easily damaged by footfall and maple is a less porous wood so it doesn’t absorb moisture as quickly which can be good for reducing the risk of water damage.

The finish that you use can further protect your wood flooring and reduce the maintenance required so this should be taken into consideration too.


Of course, the appearance of your wood floors is important too and you should opt for one that matches the aesthetic of your gym and your brand. If you are marketing yourself as a premium, leading fitness gym then you will want to pick a wood floor that best encompasses that message such as an oak parquet or a dark maple.

You also need to consider the clientele that you are catering to as you need to create an environment that will appeal to them.
For example, a younger demographic who take their workouts seriously won’t be as concerned with the appearance of the gym and more so the performance so any floor that can promise to enhance this will be celebrated. Whereas, a ladies gym that is targeting women more into yoga, pilates or spin may lean into this by using an on-trend wood floor colour or design.

In any case, you will also want to consider what colour, grain or pattern will work best based on the amount of natural light getting into the gym and its size.


When it comes to the flooring for your gym, how do you know which one is best for you?

You should start by considering each of the most important points above; safety, functionality, durability and maintenance and using them to narrow down the species and finish of wood for your gym floors. Then, once you have a small, select list to work from, factor in the atmosphere and appearance that you want in your gym and you will be left with a couple of options that tick all of the boxes.
Now do some further research, assess your budget and you’ll find the floor that is right for you.

It’s also important to consider that you don’t have to commit to just one type of floor. Most gyms are multi-purpose. There might be an area for cardio, another for weights, another for yoga or stretching etc., so there is the opportunity to use a variety of flooring in the gym to separate each area and decorate it accordingly.
For example, areas with free weights will usually be on rubber mats as this type of floor surface is resilient and sturdy making it perfect for a space where you will be moving around and lifting heavy weights. But you could still install wood flooring throughout the rest of the gym.

If you would like to speak to us about finding a wood floor for your gym then we have a range of stunning products for you to choose from and we have a team of experienced floor fitters ready to install it.
To get started, call us today on 0121 684 4772 or email